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ACORN Lobbies Legislature!

ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, brought approximately 175 people to Austin April 5 to lobby on issues of special importance to low and moderate-income families. People came from came from El Paso, Brownsville, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, and smaller towns. They divided into groups of 5 or 6 and made over 60 visits to legislators' offices. A few of the legislators had set up longer appointments, and several State Representatives spoke at larger ACORN meetings within the Capitol.

Recordings from many of the participants were played on KNON radio's "Workers' Beat" program the following day. The citizen-lobbyists spoke of their high hopes of changing Texas legislation and the pride that they felt in being among the "doers" in Texas society rather than only being "complainers."

Dallas members prepared for the march to the Capitol Steps

Click for more on ACORN trip