North Texas Activists

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Look Out Texas! Legislature Starts!

Civil rights and labor activists from Houston are planning a rally on the capitol steps at 10 AM Tuesday, January 11, just as the Texas Legislature starts its session. They stand in support of Hubert Vo, who was democratically elected, but will not be allowed to vote in the lege until they have decided whether or not to overturn his election! If we could get a group together from North Texas, we ought to car pool down. Contact me if you're interested in going down early Tuesday morning.

Dozens of important issues will be the targets of this session. We are remiss if we sit at home while they make our decisions for us. The monthly Jobs with Justice meeting takes place at 6:30 PM January 11, and it will be an occasion to discuss a large number of challenges and opportunities, including several "lobby days" by different organizations.

Martin Luther King activities take place January 15, the actual birthday. Let's take part! It's time to consider the real meaning of King's life and put it into action today.

The AFL-CIO is raising funds for tsunami relief. Go to

The labor movement is also soliciting input that will help them make decisions at the national convention in mid-summer. Go to